Which Banana to grow?
How does one know which banana to grow? Picking the right variety in planting banana is very important. Thus, it is a must to consider the following factors:
1. Pests and diseases that are present in the area where you want to grow the banana
- Consider growing a variety that is known to be resistant or tolerant to the pests or diseases in the area.
- Use clean planting materials.
- Practice good field management.
- Banana is a tropical crop that grows best where temperatures, humidity and rainfall are high.
- In higher altitudes with temperatures below optimum for several months of the year or where excess rainfall or droughts occur, choose cold, flood or drought-tolerant varieties.
- In typhoon prone areas choose dwarf varieties to avoid wind damage.
- Bananas can be eaten raw as a dessert when ripe, it can be cooked when green or ripe, you can brew beer from them, it can be processed into chips, puree, powder and syrup.
- Virtually all varieties of bananas and plantains may be eaten raw or cooked, but some types are better suited for a certain purpose than others.
- Bunch weight
- Finger size
- Shelf life
- Fruit color
- Fruit firmness
There are different banana varieties. Each of these cultivars has specific characteristics and advantages that need to be considered before deciding which variety to plant.
The five major local varieties of banana grown in the country are:
Type: Dessert
Agronomic Characters:
Planting to flowering  9 months
Planting to harvest  13 months
Harvest to 1st ratoon  93 days
Plant height  2 to 3 m
Fruit Characteristics:
Peel colour, thickness:  Yellow-green when ripe, thick
Pulp colour/texture:  Cream, melting
Pulp taste/flavour:  Sweet, very aromatic with delicate flavour
Uses:  Fresh Banana (ripe) Banana cakes
Type: Dessert
Agronomic Characters:
Planting to harvest 13 to 16 months
Plant height 3 m
Bunch weight 13 to 18 kg
Number of hands 6 to 7
Number of fingers 108 to 123
Fruit Weight 113 g
Fruit Characteristics:
Peel colour, thickness: Orange –yellow when ripe, thick, peel adherent to the pulp
Pulp colour/texture: Pale orange-yellow, firm
Pulp taste/flavour: Sweet and aromatic
Uses Fresh banana (ripe)
Type: Dessert
Agronomic Characters:
Planting to harvest 13 to 16 months
Plant height 3 m
Bunch weight 13 to 18 kg
Number of hands 6 to 7
Number of fingers 108 to 123
Fruit Weight 113 g
Fruit Characteristics:
Peel colour, thickness: Orange –yellow when ripe, thick, peel adherent to the pulp
Pulp colour/texture: Pale orange-yellow, firm
Pulp taste/flavour: Sweet and aromatic
Uses Fresh banana (ripe)
Type: Cooking
Agronomic Characters:
Planting to flowering 9 months
Planting to harvest 12 months
Harvest to 1st ratoon 63 days
Plant height 2 to 3 m
Bunch weight 11 to 12 kg
Number of hands 7 to 8
Number of fingers 112
Fruit weight 96 to 100 g
Fruit Characteristics:
Peel colour, thickness: Yellow-green when ripe, thick
Pulp taste/flavour: Sweet
Uses: Fresh Banana (ripe)
Banana chips, fritters (green)
Quarenta Dias.
Type: Dessert
Agronomic Characters:
Planting to flowering 12 months
Planting to harvest 9 months
Harvest to 1st ratoon 48 days
Plant height 2 m
Bunch weight 5 to 7 kg
Number of hands 8
Number of fingers 114
Fruit Weight 68 g
Fruit Characteristics:
Peel colour, thickness: Yellow-orange when ripe, thin
Pulp colour/texture: Cream - soft
Pulp taste/flavour: Very sweet and aromatic
Uses: Fresh banana (ripe)